Developmental Malformations
Pontocerebellar hypoplasia
Jan. 23, 2024
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This image depicts a Uranotaenia sapphirina mosquito, along with an accompanying inset of its right wing from a superior perspective, detailing its venation pattern. Known as the sapphire-lined mosquito, U. sapphirina gets its name due to the iridescent sapphire-blue markings displayed on its head and thoracic regions. This mosquito does not feed on human beings but instead seems to feed exclusively on amphibians and reptiles. However, this mosquito has been found amongst mosquito pools from which the West Nile virus and the Eastern equine encephalitis virus have been isolated. Image by CDC/ Dr. Darsie in 1975. (Source: Public Health Image Library, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia. Image 6908. Public domain.)