Neuropharmacology & Neurotherapeutics
Serotonin syndrome
Oct. 23, 2023
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Epidemiologic curves of concurrent outbreaks of hepatitis A and invasive meningococcal disease by week of symptom onset, Florida, USA, November 1, 2021 to November 30, 2022. (A) Invasive meningococcal disease; (B) hepatitis A. The case definition for invasive meningococcal disease cases had two categories: confirmed and probable. The case definition for hepatitis A cases had three categories: confirmed, probable, and suspect. (Source: Doyle TJ, Gumke M, Stanek D, et al. Concurrent outbreaks of hepatitis a, invasive meningococcal disease, and mpox, Florida, USA, 2021-2022. Emerg Infect Dis 2024;30[4]:633-43. Public domain.)